Social Media Marketing

          Social Media Marketing

The boom of low-cost internet all over India has given birth to many new careers one of which is Social Media Marketing.

What is Social Media Marketing?

It is the act of creating content to promote various business and products on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and many more.
Social Media Marketing is all about to establish a social interaction between the brand and its target audience.

Why Social Media Marketing?

There is a big shift of audience from Paper and T.V. Media to social media.
This new way of marketing provides huge benefits over older ways of marketing like it is cheaper and has a greater reach of people. To promote your brand/product
among people, you must shift to social media marketing.
It helps brands grow in many major ways like:

1. Create Brand Awareness:-

Social media is one of the most profitable digital marketing platforms used to increase your business visibility. Even top marketers have claimed that Social Media Marketing has enhanced brand visibility. Today a customer who has never used your product/service judges the brand based on its social media reputation. 

2. Market Awareness:-

It is one of the most valuable advantages of social media. By observing the activities on your profile you can judge what your target audience wants. Social media as a tool will help you get a better understanding of your industry and even the strategies of your competitors. 

3. Cost-effective:-

If we compare the outreach to price ratio of social media against media like Newspaper or television then it has much greater value for social media that simply means that in less money your product/service can to a greater number of audience. Being cost-effective helps you to attain a greater return on investment.

For example, Social Media Marketing works on a pay per click mechanism that simply means you are paying for the consumer who is visiting your website/page while in the case of a newspaper you don't know how many people will read the paper and go through your advertisement.

4. Engagement with customers:-

As a market tool, Social Media makes it easy for one to directly communicate with its customers. You can easily communicate publically of private through social media.
It is highly beneficial as customers also tell you about their experience of your product/service.

5. Increased Traffic:-

Social media helps you to increase traffic for your website. Hence your one social media makes your user connect in multiple ways. Once the traffic increases on your website you get alternate ways of earning like Adsense and other brand promotions.

Once, traffic on your site increases you can use to advertise brands hence, create an alternate source of income for your brand

How to grow your business through social media? 

As we know that social media is a basic necessity for a business here are a few methods which will help you grow your business by social media.

1. Creating a profile on multiple platforms

You need to create your business page on popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and understand your target market. Then you have to reach your consumer and customer base.

2. Post content daily

Post content related to your product/service daily to maximize your outreach. The content that you post must have an eyecatching appearance to catch the attention of the user and also advertise your deals, sales and discounts to create your brand awareness.

3. Contact marketers in the same field

Other than providing marketing tools social media also consists of marketers with thousands of followers which help you to increase your market outreach.

For Example, if you are in a Restaurant business food blogging may help you increase your reach towards the target audience. Famous food bloggers have thousands of followers at a very minimal cost they advertise the quality and taste of your food hence making you grow.

4.Increase your followers 

Consumers are more likely to buy from the brand which they follow on social media hence the number of followers is directly proportional to the number of consumers. Create content in such a way that it forces one to follow your social media page.

5. Use ephemeral content

Ephemeral content is different from the regular post as it appears for a shorter period like 24 hrs. the best example of it is Instagram Stories.

Hence crisp ephemeral content will always withdraw user attention.

6. Keep an eye on competitors

It’s always important to keep an eye on competitors—they can provide valuable data for keyword research and other social media marketing insight. If your competitors are using a certain social media marketing channel or technique that seems to be working for them, considering doing the same thing, but do it better!


After, going through so many benefits that Social Media Marketing offers over traditional ways of Marketing it is a basic need for all brands in today's market to grow and survive


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